Time Out Teddy
Hi, my name is Time Out Teddy and I have a very important job. I remind kids and grown-ups to take time out whenever they need it. Every time you feel sad or mad, I want you to take time out to give me a hug so I can help you feel better. I'm yours forever, so I'll be here whenever you need me. Love, Time Out Teddy
Made specially for the National Exchange Club, Time Out Teddy bears are a warm, safe and loving friend to a child who has been abused, neglected or traumatized. The teddy bear serves as a calming tool for a child to hold in a time of crisis.
The Exchange Club of Madison and the Polson Excel Club have launched a Time Out Teddy bear program with the fire and police departments of Clinton, Guilford and Madison. They are donating Time Out Teddy bears to be carried in patrol cars and rescue vehicles. Police officers and first responders frequently come into contact with children who have been abused, involved in serious car accidents, fires or domestic violence episodes. This program helps those on the scene to better communicate with a child who is under stress, upset, and fearful.
Time Out Teddy Song

The National Exchange Club Foundation has adopted Time Out Teddy as its national spokes bear to carry the message of good parenting across America. Exchange Clubs of the Connecticut District encourage you to educate parents and caregivers by distributing Time Out Teddy bears, brochures, posters and T-shirts. You can also rent out our full sized Time Out Teddy suit for events.
To rent the Time Out Teddy outfit contact Dun Heenan at dunandsharon@comcast.net or 203-245-7779.
Time Out Teddy with CT District President Dunnith Heenan Jr.
The Time Out Teddy suit is the brainchild of a Past District President from North Carolina who wanted an outfit made for North Carolina. In 2001, he contacted the company that makes outfits for Walt Disney and contracted them to manufacture Time Out Teddy. In 2002, Connecticut District President Dun Heenan Jr. brought Time Out Teddy to Connecticut by getting a generous $5000 grant from Webster Bank to pay for an outfit for the Connecticut district. Since then, Exchange Clubs across Connecticut have rented the Time Out Teddy outfit for a $200 donation which goes to the Connecticut Child Abuse Prevention center of their choice.