
Exchange Club of Madison

P.O. Box 644

Madison, CT 06443



Contacting Us is Easy

We can be reached by postal mail, email, on the web, by phone or just around town. Visit our Members and Officers page to see our directory and a list of the officers and committee chairpersons.  Or you can ask your friends, neighbors, co-workers, business establishments etc. if they know anyone who is a member.  Finally, check our Calendar and go to an Exchange Club event.  We are always seeking new members and welcome the chance to exchange information and opportunities.

The Board of Directors meets throughout the year to address to address community needs on a monthly basis.  Requests for grants or assistance can be mailed or emailed to us, marked attention Projects & Aims.

FaceBook is a great way to drop us feedback and interact with other people with similar interests.  Let us know how we're doing and keep on top of important announcements!